English Interview Questions

· 08-01

What is the difference between a compiled language and an interpreted languages?

Explain the concept of design patterns and give an example of a commonly used one?

How do you handle exception handling in your code to make it more robust?

Explain the concept of software architecture and its significance in large-scale projects.

How do you optimize the algorithm for better time and space complexity?

Explain the concept of distributed system and their applications?

How do you ensure the scalability of a software application as its user base grows?

How do you handle concurrent access to shared resources in a multi-threaded or multi-process env?

How do you implement data persistence in an application?

What is the role of design principles like SOLID in software engineering?

What are the challenges and solutions in cross-platform developments?

How do you ensuere the fault tolerance of a distrubuted system

key factors


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